10th-Planet Bethlehem Grappling Coach Zack Maislany Teaches You The Unorthodox Half Guard System That He & His Students Use To Beat Opponents – Even Ones Bigger & Stronger
Use high-percentage offense that 10th-Planet is known for, including the lockdown, electric chair, the stomp, and more
Zack Maislany is an experienced 10th-Planet black belt who runs the Bethlehem Academy that has helped produce elite competition grappling talent
Recover half guard with unusual but effective techniques for absorbing pressure, keeping good position, and getting back on offense
Find opportunities to attack with octopus guard, as you see how this half guard series can help you take the back, sweep to top, and more
Find submission threats, including a full breakdown on how to set up the buggy choke and get the tap against talented opposition
Course Content
Volume 1
Volume 2