Utilize The Best Information Available on The Mechanics and Psychology of Breathing For Combat Sports and Take Your Training to The Next Level Featuring Combat Sports legend Bas Rutten and Dr. Belisa Vranich!
Let combat sports icon Bas Rutten and Dr. Belisa Vranich help you master the art of breathing so you can optimize your cardio, develop a stronger mental game, and increase your endurance, all without doing any extra workouts
Learn the most cutting edge tactics and procedures for breathing science available in combat sports with two trusted sources
Develop better endurance and conditioning without adding more cardio sessions to your combat sports training so you can cultivate a better gas tank and skip the extra wear and tear on your body
Put more gas in the tank, recover faster, and feel more in control of your body with this perfectly designed program that will help you optimize your breathing and revolutionize the way you prepare your mind and body for combat
Discover your breathing IQ, secrets to better stamina, multiple breathing exercises, and much more in this helpful guide to peak performance and getting the most out of your body
Explore the answers to 10 helpful questions for breathing and endurance in combat sports