Learn The Ins And Outs To One Of The Most Unique And Versatile Positions In BJJ, The LOW KNEE SHIELD with Bernardo Faria Black Belt, Aaron Benzrihem – Over 4 Hours Of Content Across 6 Volumes!
The Low Knee Shield Is Easy To Implement And Works Well In Gi And No Gi – Stop Getting Smashed By People And Start Using Their Weight Against Them – Aaron goes into detail about GI and NO GI
With over 4 hours of segmented and sequential content across 6 volumes, this easy to implement instructional series will show you EVERYTHING you need to know to start playing The Low Knee Shield
Aaron shows several options to sweep, submit or transition using the Low Knee Shield when you are getting completely smashed in the half guard or dealing with highly explosive guard passers
On this instructional you will find a COMPLETE road map that is laid out. Aaron is going to start by devoting the whole first volume to basics of control, concepts, movement, mobility and mechanics. This will lay the foundation so you are able to use the techniques RIGHT AWAY
From there you will learn sweeps, passes that connect to the sweeps, back takes, submissions if the sweeps fail, transitions if both the submissions and sweeps fail and then discuss defensive concepts and common encounters